Support for those in virus isolation

Written by admin

21 Mar 2020

Ross CDT is delighted to announce that the Ross Good Neighbours grocery delivery service is now up and running. If you are isolated due to Coronavirus you can order online at or by phoning our helpline, which will go live by Monday. We will be distributing leaflets through letterboxes in the coming days to alert those not on social media. The first delivery will be Wednesday 25th March.

We are so very grateful to Spar Ross-on-Wye for their help with setting up the service, to Ross Baptists for the premises at the Venue, and to the 200 volunteers who have come forward to show that Ross cares

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  1. Gwen Jones

    How can I order online please. Is there a limit on the amount spent on an order and is there a delivery charge. I could pay by card.
    Thank you

    • admin

      You can order online by following the “How we can help” link from our home page, and then clicking for the grocery online form. There is no order limit and yes, you can pay by card. We look forward to receiving your order.


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