Winter Wrapped Up? We all know that winter happens every year. But with increasingly unpredictable weather, it's important to think about getting ready for winter in advance. Age UK Wyvern have secured funding to support the most vulnerable people with a FREE Home...
Ross CDT News
Ross on Wye Recruitment & Community Event
Are you looking to recruit or would you like to be part of the Biggest Community event to promote your services? If so, I would ... read more
Ross Community Development Trust: Year in Review, 2024
Ross Community Development has had a busy 2024. In January, we were joined by Tina Knapman to run our Warm Ross project, which for the second year successfully supported dozens of households with emergency meter top-ups. We also supported this with a Facebook live...
21st December deadline to qualify for Winter Fuel Payment
Do you know someone of State Pension Age (66 or above) on a low income who would welcome extra money and support with heating costs this winter? This could be your customers, service users, a parent, grandparent, friend or neighbour. Pension Credit is worth, on...
Over 100 people attended the Festival of Volunteering on Saturday 28th September as part of the JK300 celebrations, with a wide variety of local groups represented. Ali Park, Project Officer for Ross Community Development Trust who co-ordinated the Festival said...
Festival of Volunteering
Calling all volunteers, wannabee volunteers and groups who use volunteers! As part of the John Kyrle 300 celebrations we are planning to run a Festival of Volunteering in St Mary's church on Saturday 28th September 2024 from 4 - 8pm. This is our way of...
Warm Ross Receives National Grid Grant
We are delighted to have received a grant from the National Grid to enhance our Warm Ross work. The grant is to employ a Project Officer to run the scheme and offer support and advice to those at risk of fuel poverty. None of it can be used to help people directly...