Ross Educational Foundation

Ross Educational Foundation offers grants to students for books, equipment and transport relating to their studies. The trustees meet twice a year to consider applications for funding and in 2023 they awarded almost £3,000 in grants to students.

In 1729 the 13 year old Walter Scott from Ross-on-Wye fled from Ross fearing he would be arrested for stealing pears. At that time severe sentences were handed out for trivial offences, so the young Walter went to London, eventually taking over the building business of his uncle and making a fortune. He never forgot Ross and returning many years later he found his old school struggling to survive. He had no children and upon his death a year later he left an endowment to the Blue Coat School, subsequently known as the Walter Scott School in Old Gloucester Road, a sum sufficient for a new building that can be seen there today. The school continued until the 1920s when the funds could no longer meet the running costs. What remained was invested and the yearly proceeds of the investments are awarded to students from Ross-on-Wye to help them with their studies.

Who can apply?

Any student under the age of 25 whose home is in Ross-on-Wye can apply for a grant for books, equipment and transport relating to their studies. The Foundation welcomes all applications, and the trustees meet twice a year to consider what grants can be awarded. The next meeting to decide on successful applications will be September 2024.

Application Form

Please click here to complete your application for a grant – we will be in touch with you shortly.


Do you need further information or have a question? Get in touch with us by contacting Ross Educational Foundation’s Secretary, Rachael Daniel – you can email her at or phone 01989 562175.