Since March 2020, at the start of the first Covid lock- downs, volunteers from Ross Good Neighbours have been working to fight loneliness in Ross-on-Wye, particularly amongst older people living alone. We do this with regular befriending visits, by offering practical help with shopping, and by running our Helpline, which can connect people with the services they need to make their lives better.

We now need your help and good ideas to develop our services further. We know that surveys aren’t popular with everyone – but this one is important for us, so please give it a try! It will only take you a few minutes and will give us some really useful information to help us develop our services locally.
To complete the survey on the phone just leave a message on 01989 313002 and one of our volunteers will phone you back to take you through the survey without asking your name or address.
To fill out the form, go online at
Thank you for helping us to help Ross!