Over 100 people attended the Festival of Volunteering on Saturday 28th September as part of the JK300 celebrations, with a wide variety of local groups represented.
Ali Park, Project Officer for Ross Community Development Trust who co-ordinated the Festival said ‘We are over the moon with the number of people who have come along today from such a wide range of groups. This is exactly what the Festival was about and it has been great to see people chatting and laughing, enjoying the music, wearing their badges and dressing up for the photo booth.’

Ali and the team would like to thank everyone who helped to make the event happen – Herefordshire Together and Ross Town Council for funding, St Marys Church and volunteers for hosting and photography, Chocolate Teapot for the great live music, Motley Hog Brewery for the pop up bar and Joe at In The Booth which was an absolute hit, to groups who brought a plate for the lovely buffet and most importantly to the volunteers themselves who came along and made the event such a success.

Everyone who attended received their JK300 volunteering badge (pictured) but if you couldn’t attend or you are involved in a volunteering group who haven’t had any yet please email info@rosscdt.org.uk
Alongside their photo booth photos, people were asked to write down what they love about volunteering. A selection of these can be seen in the photo below but the overwhelming message was about the enjoyment volunteers get from being involved in the local community, making a difference to others lives and the friendships which develop as a result of this.

Volunteers really are the lifeblood of the local community and if you think you would like to be involved in any capacity, do contact our Project Officer Ali Park for an informal chat to see if there may be a role either with us or elsewhere in the Ross community. You can email info@rosscdt.org.uk or record your details on our website at https://rosscdt.org.uk/volunteer

Photos by Paul Cummings
Thanks again to the groups who were represented on the day and we hope to run a similar event in the future – watch this space!
- Carers of Herefordshire
- Cats First
- Citizen’s Advice
- CreateRoss
- Herefordshire History Festival
- Ross Community Development Trust (Ross Good Neighbours)
- Ross Carers
- Ross and District Civic Society
- Ross and District u3a
- Ross Meeting Group and Ross Dementia Café
- Ross Tourism Association
- Ross Walking Festival
- Ross Town Council Historic Walks
- Ross on Wye Tourism Association
- Ross-on-Wye and District Civic Society
- Ross-on-Wye Town Council
- Ross Lunch Club
- Ross Community Garden
- Ross Children’s Book Festival
- Ross Town Band
- Royal Voluntary Service
- The Friends of St Mary’s
- The Royal British Legion
- Town Ambassadors
- Walkers are Welcome
- Zero Waste Stall
Ali Park
A Selection of Photo Booth Photos