Ross Community Development Trust: Year in Review, 2024

Written by Ross CDT

22 Dec 2024

Ross Community Development has had a busy 2024. In January, we were joined by Tina Knapman to run our Warm Ross project, which for the second year successfully supported dozens of households with emergency meter top-ups. We also supported this with a Facebook live event providing advice and support on keeping warm and saving energy, and attended a roadshow event with BBC Hereford and Worcester radio to discuss the challenges facing communities in the winter.

In the Spring we were delighted to be awarded a grant via Herefordshire Together along with twelve other local charities towards continuing our work with our Ross Good Neighbours scheme. As the new Project Officer, I was kept busy visiting local groups, attending events and market days to talk about the service. I also ran Safeguarding Training for our volunteers, with Sue Murphy from Ross Meeting Centre running Dementia Friends sessions alongside. We also ran a highly successful Festival of Volunteering in September as part of the John Kyrle 300 celebrations, attended by over 100 volunteers from 26 local organisations. Attendees enjoyed music, a pop-up bar and photo booth, “I volunteer in Ross badges” and most importantly an opportunity to engage with each other, make new connections and celebrate old ones. Our own volunteer base continues to grow with over 150 current members – we always welcome more, so if you are interested please visit our website or email us at

During the autumn of 2024 Ross CDT supported a small group of local artists and community volunteers to restore and re-paint the water life mural on the metal fence along the alleyway behind the swimming pool between Rudhall Brook and Trenchard Street. The project was supported by several generous donors, who sponsored individual animals in the artwork, which stretches for nearly 100 metres.

Our Ross Good Neighbours Scheme continues to thrive – we hit a milestone of 1500 shopping requests in October with a team of regular shoppers working alongside clients on both long term and emergency shopping requests. The Helpline team has dealt with over 400 calls, and we are looking to expand the service into neighbouring parishes. Our quarterly Ross Neighbourhood News has grown from just over 6000 last year to 6600 by the end of this year to cater for the growing population. Our befriending service is still very much a core part of our delivery, and the feedback we receive from clients reflects the huge impact our befriending team has in combatting loneliness and isolation within the community. If anyone feels they or someone they know could benefit from the Ross Good Neighbours service, please call our Helpline on 01989 313002 or email

Our professional services have also continued to grow, with over 20 new associate/full group memberships which enables members to contribute to our newsletter and access our DBS checking service, of which we have conducted over 80 checks so far this year.

None of this would be possible without the tireless work of our Volunteer teams including our Board of Trustees, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank every single person who contributes towards keeping Ross Community Development Trust going

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and here’s to a Community Centred 2025!

Ali Park

Project Officer Ross CDT

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