Meet the vaccine volunteers #4: Andy Bateman

Written by admin

1 Feb 2021

This item was published on 1 Feb 2021 and may contain out of date information

Name: Andy Bateman

What is your role on the team? Concierge, car park supremo and generally hi-visibility and hi-audibility (shouting loudly while wearing a bright yellow jacket) person!

Describe your usual day as a volunteer:  I was privileged enough to be involved every day of the first weekend and performed everything from directing cars to taking temperatures. I was even allowed to change some batteries on the thermometer!  On the second rollout weekend I was moved from Carpark Attendant inside to a chaperone role. I’d like to add that many of these vulnerable people had not left their homes in months, and to visibly see their reactions when they saw the friendly faces of the volunteers and clinicians – was an absolute pleasure. I was genuinely buzzing at end of my first shift.

What is your usual job or employment? Secondary School Teacher 

What made you want to volunteer? I come from a family of public servants (Dad and Grandad were police officers, Mum was a nurse and her parents were social workers and ran children’s homes) – so I seem to be genetically programmed with a sense of duty and an inability to say ‘no’ when someone asks for help!  The first weekend was wet cold and weekend two was dry and even colder – but it was a real honour to be involved in something of such importance. 

Tell us something about you:Outside of work and family, I guess weight loss (and gain) has been the main story of my life. In the last quarter of a century, I’ve probably lost (and regained and lost again!) a total of around 25 stone on different diets. I joined Slimming World around 5 years ago and this has been the only thing that his given me a sense of long term control. I’m still not quite back to my target weight – but I am a hundred times healthier than I’ve been in my whole adult life!

Finally, do you have any other plans during this lockdown? To stop yoyo dieting 🙂

Note from Ross-on-Wye Community Development Trust: If you are waiting to receive your Covid-19 vaccine, please contact your own local GP surgery and they will be able to advise on their scheduling. If you are self-isolating or need practical assistance during lockdown including shopping deliveries, please contact the Ross Good Neighbours’ Helpline on 01989 313002 or email and someone will get back to you.

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