#4 Meet the Ross Good Neighbours Volunteers : Gareth from the Telephone Shopping Team

Written by admin

3 Jun 2020

Volunteer: Gareth Hughes

Describe your role: I work Wednesday mornings from 9am to 1pm, taking people’s shopping orders and submitting them to the Grocery Team for packing and delivery.

What did you do before volunteering for Ross Good Neighbours? Retired local teacher who has been running the Crested Crane charity shop in aid of projects in Namutumba, Ross’s twin town in Uganda. 

How has the lockdown affected what you used to do? The charity shop has been shut since 15th March.

Are you going back to your original role? Not known as yet.

What do you love about volunteering? Too many things to mention but there are many stoic people out there. I had a lovely chat with one lady, in Welsh, whilst taking her order which surely tested my capabilities!

What do you enjoy doing when not volunteering?: Walking, gardening, reading, playing hockey

Tell us one thing that nobody knows about you? I’m a player in, and manager of, Wales Over 65s and have now ‘graduated’ to the same for the Over 70s Masters Hockey team. I also raise money for projects in Namutumba, Uganda (with others). 

What have you missed the most during lockdown? Being unable to meet up with family and friends.

What will be the first thing you’ll do when lockdown completely lifts? Go to see our family and be at less than two metres apart!

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