#3 Meet the Ross Good Neighbours Volunteers : Greg from the Pharmacy Team

Written by admin

3 Jun 2020

This item was published on 3 Jun 2020 and may contain out of date information

Volunteer: Greg Powell

What team do you volunteer with? The Lions Prescription Deliveries

Describe your usual day as a volunteer: After lunch, we collect prescriptions from the various pharmacies in town, work out the best delivery route and ensure medication reaches the isolated homes.

Greg -  volunteer for Ross Good Neighbours

Describe your usual day as a volunteer: After lunch, we collect prescriptions from the various pharmacies in town, work out the best delivery route and ensure medication reaches the isolated homes.

What did you do before volunteering? I worked as an Estate Agent for Morris Bricknell in Ross-on-Wye.

How has the lockdown affected what you used to do? I worked less hours initially but it’s now back to normal.

Are you going back to your original role? Yes, I already returned 2 weeks ago but continue the pharmacy deliveries outside of working hours.

What do you love about volunteering? The gratitude of the people we have helped and the feeling of community spirit

Tell us something about you: I am a keen rower with Ross Rowing Club as well as my volunteer work with Ross-on-Wye Lions

Tell us one thing that nobody knows about you? Every year for the past 3 years I have done a big charity fundraiser, including competing in a sprint triathlon, skydiving from 10,000 feet and rowing a marathon on a rowing machine (over 3 hours straight!)

What have you missed the most during lockdown? Socialising with friends and family

What will be the first thing you’ll do when lockdown completely lifts? Arrange a celebration!

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