Free face masks for Ross-on-Wye residents – 8 July

Written by admin

8 Jul 2020

This item was published on 8 Jul 2020 and may contain out of date information

Ross Good Neighbours has launched a campaign to encourage the wearing of face coverings in shops and other enclosed areas in Ross-on-Wye.  We recommend using washable face coverings as these avoid wastage.  

There are a limited number of free washable face masks available to residents in Ross and some surrounding parishes.  Those places that have encouraged wearing of face coverings have shown a significant reduction in the spread of Covid-19. It helps our community if we all wear face masks or coverings when we are around other people.
Jane Roberts talks about the work of Ross Good Neighbours and the importance of wearing Face Masks

With 300 requests in less than 12 hours all face masks have now been allocated and we cannot take any more requests for them.

Our leaflet about why face masks are a good idea is here. Government advice on face coverings can be found here.  

Face coverings are a good way to prevent the spread of infection, provided the masks are used sensibly.  This means using masks only once before washing them (or safely disposing of single use items).  In addition you should:

1.  wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before putting the face covering on and after removing it

2.  avoid touching your face or the face covering when wearing it, to avoid contamination

3.  change the face covering if it becomes damp or if it has been touched

 4.  wash or sanitise your hands at regular intervals while you are out, and when you return home.

Face coverings should NOT be worn by young children or anyone who has trouble breathing or would be unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Ross Good Neighbours is very grateful to the Safety Shack Ross-on-Wye for the donation of masks to our grocery customers and to Hereford Masons for the financial support which has made the extension of this offer to the general public possible.  

Please note this is a limited offer and will end once our stocks have been distributed.

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