The interim steering group that is working with Marches Community Led Housing has had a busy summer. The team contacted the Ross Town & Parish Councils, and Almshouses Charity, for their backing. All but one were supportive of a Community Land Trust being established for the Ross district.
The steering group also responded to the Herefordshire Council consultation on the Draft Local Housing Strategy and has started work on consideration of the impact of their Housing Market Area Needs Assessment published in July.
However, what is really needed is a groundswell of demonstrable local support and engagement if the interim steering group is to develop into the Ross District Community Land Trust.
If you care about affordable homes for local people simply join us for a £1 annual fee. For detail see the Ross CDT website, scan the code or contact Melvin Reynolds via the CDT helpline on 01989 313002 (please leave a message and someone will get back to you).
You can also download the flyer here.