Community cases of Covid-19 in Herefordshire have thankfully remained low over the summer. There have been localised outbreaks in some workplaces, particularly those involved in food processing, as the virus seems to spread better indoors and in colder conditions. Thanks are due to our local Public Health team who have managed these outbreaks very quickly and effectively.
The challenge now will be getting through this winter while keeping cases as few as possible. The main risk seems to be from being in the same shared air as someone with Covid-19 infection, so good ventilation is crucial. Keeping windows open ensures the flow of air, so warmer clothes will be needed as the weather gets colder.
Hand washing remains important, but it is increasingly clear that face coverings are effective in reducing transmission of Covid-19. There is a strong argument for wearing face masks or coverings at all times when you are near people from other households, including at workplaces and schools.
Children are less likely to show symptoms, so as schools and colleges go back, it is possible that infections will start to spread throughout our community. We all need to be prepared to isolate if needed, so ensuring two weeks’ stocks of food and other essentials such as medicines is a sensible precaution.
Community spirit got us through the first wave of Covid-19, and the resilience of this town will get us through whatever is still to come. Anyone having to isolate or shield will be able to access food and medication deliveries – for assistance, please ring the Ross Good Neighbours Scheme message line on 01989 313002 and someone will call you back.
Ross Community Development Trust
Dr Simon Lennane, PCN Clinical Director