Meet the vaccine volunteers #2: Scott Teasdale

Written by admin

30 Jan 2021

Name: Scott Teasdale

What is your role? Carpark Attendant

Describe your day as a volunteer: We arrive onsite 30 minutes before the shift starts to ensure all the preparations are done including our own Covid test, signing in and getting our hi-viz vests on. Then I greet people, explain the infection control measures in the centre and escort them around the building to the entrance – so we can use a one-way system to maintain the 2m rule throughout their time there. With the time slots given to everyone there is a steady flow of people arriving all day. The aim is to minimise the time people have to wait outside – especially in the cold and wet weather – and yet ensure the clinicians always have some ready for the all-important jab.

What is your usual job or employment? 3 years ago I retired from a busy role looking after the facilities management in several London hospitals and escaped to the country – perfect timing!

Why did you volunteer? I joined the Rotary in Ross to keep busy and give something back to the community. So far I’ve helped with the Beer & Cider Festival and Model Railway Exhibition to raise funds for good local causes and have been volunteering to deliver prescriptions to vulnerable or isolating residents in Ross.   

Tell us something about you: I am a keen motorcyclist and swimmer (although that’s on hold as I’m not keen on wild swimming)! I’m also an avid DIY-er, spending many hours in my workshop learning carpentry skills – YouTube has been really helpful and I’ve created everything from bespoke wardrobes to small furniture items.

Finally, do you have any other plans during this lockdown? Lockdown has restricted most things but I’m hoping to use the time to finish decorating the house – just a bedroom and bathrooms to go!

Note from Ross-on-Wye Community Development Trust: If you are waiting to receive your Covid-19 vaccine, please contact your own local GP surgery and they will be able to advise on their scheduling. If you are self-isolating or need practical assistance during lockdown including shopping deliveries, please contact the Ross Good Neighbours’ Helpline on 01989 313002 or email and someone will get back to you.

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