Learn the 10-step technique of Nordic Walking using specialist poles provided.

Organised by our partners Ignite CIC, The Summer sessions are now underway. We hope to repeat the course in Spring 2022. Check back then to book your place on this very popular course.

In open space you’ll learn the 10-step technique of Nordic Walking with local, qualified instructor Amanda Lewis before applying your skills over a series of Led-Nordic-Walks, whilst exploring the beautiful public pathways and open spaces around Ross-on-Wye.

Specialist poles will be provided. Please dress prepared for the weather with sturdy footwear or trainers.

What is Nordic Walking?

Nordic Walking uses specially designed poles (not to be confused with trekking poles) to propel your body in a forward motion. It is an enhanced walking technique that uses the whole body and gives you a highly effective workout. Nordic Walking is a fun and a great social activity.

How will Nordic Walking benefit your body?

Nordic Walking combines the simplicity of walking with core and upper body conditioning similar to Nordic skiing. This gives you a full body workout, which means that you can:

  • Burn around 20% more calories compared to walking without poles.
  • Release tension in your neck and shoulders.
  • Improve your posture and gait.
  • Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles.
  • Reduce the impact on your joints.

And because Nordic Walking doesn’t feel like hard work you’ll be happy to walk further and for longer.

Well utilised as a social prescribed activity, plentiful research is available from British Nordic Walking on the benefits for improving mental health, isolation and long-term health conditions.

Is Nordic Walking for you?

If you can walk you can Nordic Walk! It really is for everyone. The poles mean that effort is shared between the upper and lower body so it actually feels easier than normal walking, particularly uphill. Nordic Walking puts less strain on joints than other activities and can be very effective for people with mobility issues or those recovering from illness or injury. It’s also great exercise for toning problem areas such as the upper arms and abdominal muscles.

  • It’s an ideal activity if you haven’t exercised for a while or dislike traditional sports or gym activities.
  • It is helpful if you have had an injury as the poles can support and guide you while you work to improve fitness as part of your rehabilitation.
  • It is great for athletes for cross training.
  • It provides community groups with a sociable way to keep fit.
  • And it’s fantastic if you’d like to shed a few pounds.

Whatever your age, from 8 to 80+, you’ll enjoy discovering the benefits of Nordic Walking that improve your quality of life.

We can provide support to help carers or those without their own transport to attend!

Learn to Nordic Walk

Jul 5, 2021

