This item was published on 9 Jan 2022 and may contain out of date information

Debt Awareness training for people who may come into contact with others who struggle with finance.
About this event
How Debt Aware are you? As Herefordshire gets back to work, some households will be left behind and at risk of debt. Our Debt Awareness training is for professionals who, through your work, are in contact with people who struggle with finance. This session will explain what you can do to help by signposting the various routes to appropriate advice and support in Ross-on-Wye and Herefordshire. Organised by Ross Money Box (a project of Ross-on-Wye community Development Trust), the session will be led by Elaine Loe, an experienced debt coach at Christians Against Poverty.
Thu, 20 January 2022 14:30 – 16:30 GMT – Online